NewsTECHForum 2017 was packed with useful insights including keynote speakers Campbell Brown of Facebook and Micah Gelman of The Washington Post and panelists from the BBC, CBS, Tegna, Graham, Quartz, the Associated Press, Raycom, Nexstar and many more leading news companies. Wide-ranging interviews and conversations looked at news, social media, drones, augmented reality, integrating digital and TV news production and a range of other pressing issues at the intersection of news and technology.
Weren’t able to make it to NewsTECHForum 2017? Please visit our videos below and catch up on what you missed.
Digital Chiefs on the Multiplatform News Jungle
Integrating Digital + TV Production: Evolving to the Newsroom of the Future
State of the Art: Drones & News Photography
Tech Leaders on the Future of Newsroom Technology
Aveco Case Study: Local and Remote News Excellence: Automation State of the Art
Bits, Bots, Apps & More: Chasing Millennials in 2018
Graphics State of the Art: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality
The Contribution Revolution — ENG, IP, Mesh Networks, Private LTE
Grass Valley Case Study: Modernizing Newsroom Systems with a Unique, Modular Approach